Monday, 30 June 2008


Check it out: RAVENS CREED already have a fan page on Myspazz. Amazing...
In other news, the band are confirmed to play Bloodstock on Sunday 17th August and will support Turisas at the Camden Barfly on Wednesday 20th August as part of the Kerrang! Awards week of shows. How about them apples?
I'm going to sort the webshop by the weekend. Really, I am.

Saturday, 28 June 2008


Welcome to IRON PIG RECORDS.  The aim here is to put out some nasty music from time to time, some underground, some buried beneath the underground. We're also aiming to keep things simple - no 4LP boxsets with locks of human hair, ltd. edition training shoes or collectors toys - and hopefully keep things cheap.

Distribution has been agreed with the fine folks at SOUTHERN RECORDS so you should be able to pick up our stuff in good shops and distros all over Europe once the supply chain is up and running.

First release: RAVENS CREED "Militia of Blood Sacrifice" CD

From the unholy hell pits of Nottingham, England, the mighty RAVENS CREED are unleashed upon the world. With ex members of IRON MONKEY, CEREBRAL FIX, SKYCLAD, and GBH with ORANGE GOBLIN vocalist Ben Ward at centre stage, RAVENS CREED are the audio equivalent of having your face smashed in with a bag of rusty hammers. Total thrash holocaust with tunes that stick in your head like nails, the four tracks are all masterpieces of filthy dirty thrashing metal. Buy or die!

Next up from IRON PIG is the debut CD from Macedonian hardcore band POTOP. Slow, brutal, heavy and twisted, the CD will compile their vile vinyl releases so far, including the forthcoming split with BURMESE. "Negative guitars, tectonic grooves and sadistic vocals. bad music for bad people." Expect Power Violence without the fast bits, combined with the torture of BURNING WITCH. Yeah, pretty heavy... This release is planned for August to coincide with the European tour of POTOP and AGENTS OF ABHORRENCE.
Stay tuned.